Mining Assets offers a range of technical and commercial services to complement our marketing services.
A network of experienced geologists and engineers are at hand to provide essential technical and commercial services at very competitive rates.
You do not need to be a subscriber or contributor to MiningAssets to take advantage of these services. Please contact us at for more information.
Additional services include:
- Due diligence
- General audits & reviews (resource or grade control estimates/protocols)
- JORC-compliant estimations
Mine engineering:
- Due diligence
- General audits & review
- Open pit optimisation & design
- Scheduling, haulage and waste-dump optimisation
- Underground design
- Cost modeling
- Project evaluation
- Cost modeling
- Project evaluation
- Property valuations
- Project brokering
- Divestment management (including information memorandums, compiling and screening bids and data-room management)