Featured Projects
Advanced Exploration
Tasmania, Australia
Other : Fluorite, Gold (Au), Lead (Pb), Molybdenum (Mo), Silver (Ag), Tin (Sn), Tungsten (W), Zinc (Zn)
- Current modest zinc,lead ,gold resource.Excellent potential to expand resource to mineable status. Will consider sale, farm in, company acquisition or some combination of above
- Significant intersects include 13m @ 44.1g/t Au & 0.46% Bi, 25.4m @ 4.33g/t Au, 23g/t Ag, 2% Pb & 1.5% Zn, 4.2m @ 1g.t Au, 109g/t Ag, 10.1% Pb & 14.6% Zn
- Sulphide mineralisation defined by three dimensional Induced Polarization geophysics.Many drill ready prospects - all Greenfields exploration already completed
- Multi metal province in Tasmania - in addition to above resource previous mining has mined/developed gold/bismuth reserves
Added 02/07/2015, viewed 545 times.
Joint Venture (JV)
Greenfields Exploration
Queensland, Australia
Precious Metals : Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Gold (Au), Lead (Pb), Silver (Ag), Zinc (Zn)
- The project covers old copper cobalt workings going 24 % copper and 2.5 % cobalt and 1.8 grams gold. One of a few sulphide cobalt prospects available to explore
- Old lead silver gold workings with a small of tonnage of silver lead ore mined , best gold assay 13 grams per ton
- Recent rock chip and soil sampling programmes have found extensions of these systems with very good assay results from ALS perth
- This is a very exciting prospect for Cobalt , copper , lead , zinc , silver and gold ,
Added 10/12/2017, viewed 5924 times.